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Who is on the Middle Path? 


(A response to Dr. Haitham Al-Haddad's article: Do England Fans Need “Deradicalising”?)


It is difficult to know what is true and what is not nowadays. Based on Islam21C's analysis now and over the past year, you would think that with these Islamists/jihadists having such an abysmal track record, the western world could put its guard down. I mean, when it comes to winning the hearts and minds of people to gain their support, how much of a threat could bloodthirsty, punishment system loving, 'birth control protection' wearing dummies be? But then you accidentally stumble across news articles informing us that the USA have doubled the multi-million dollar bounty on certain Islamists'/jihadists' heads. Maybe Islam21C have failed to make their analysis as 'nuanced' as they like to encourage. Maybe the Americans understand something that Islam21C don't.


Also, a lot of talk centres around this idea that both believers and disbelievers have radicals and that the majority of both groups fall into the middle-path. However, isn't our middle-path the 'straight path' or the siraatul mustaqeem which Allah Ta'ala in Surah al Fatihah describes as the path of those who He has favoured and NOT the path of those who have caused His wrath or those who are astray? Any basic tafseer of these versus will tell you that here Allah Ta'ala is mainly referring to the Jews and Christians (disbelievers), so if our middle-paths seem to be coinciding then doesn't that sound worrying? Should we not then question whether the path we are on is indeed the middle-path?


​Wal-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin (March 2023 originally a comment made in 2021 in response to an article)


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And when you (Muhammad ï·º) recite the Qur'an, We put between you and those who believe not in the Hereafter, an invisible veil (or screen their hearts, so they hear or understand it not). TMQ 17:45

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