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The Prayer of the Skeptic: An Invitation to Atheists


Dr. Laurence Brown (a former atheist-his website

“The fact that many of mankind fail to make sense of certain aspects of this life should not dissuade from belief in God.... By analogy, the fact that a person does not like the way the boss does things at work, and fails to understand the decisions he makes, does not negate his existence. Rather, each person’s duty is to fulfill a job description in order to be paid and promoted. Similarly, failure to grasp or approve of the way God orders creation does not negate His existence. Rather, humankind should recognize with humility that, unlike the workplace boss, who may be wrong, God by definition is of absolute perfection, always right and never wrong. Humankind should bow down to Him in willing submission and in recognition that failure to understand His design on our part does not reflect error on His part…


A typical owner’s manual begins with warnings about improper use and the hazardous consequences thereof, moves on to a description of how to use the product properly and the benefits to be gained thereby, and provides product specifications and a troubleshooting guide whereby we can correct product malfunctions. Now, how is that different from revelation? Revelation tells us what to do, what not to do and why, tells us what God expects of us, and shows us how to correct our deficiencies. Revelation is the ultimate user’s manual, provided as guidance to the one who will use us—ourselves.


[In Islam you find] consistency in the creed throughout the chain of revelation, continuity of the chain of revealed revelation. I found Islam as the conclusion in the chain of revelation.”


I would like to leave you with a famous prayer known as the prayer of the skeptic. The wording is such that you hopefully shouldn’t object to any part of it. The only condition attached to it is saying it with SINCERITY.


“O Lord–if there is a Lord, Save my soul–if I have a soul.”


For more on the origins of the universe watch:


Scientists Comment on the Qur'an:


Miracles in the Qur'an:


Two of Dr Lawrence Brown's Books:

MisGod'ed: A Roadmap of Guidance and Misguidance in the Abrahamic Religions

God'ed?: The Case for Islam as the Completion of Revelation



Muslim News

Responding to Disbelievers


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